Monday, March 23, 2009

hey, found a replacement!

So, while reading Brenda's new blog, which I must say, has improved slightly, (either she's found crack, or more motivation, I'm not sure) I found this guy, while looking at "who the heck comments on this stuff?" well the lovely gentleman above is known simply as 'Nagle' I'm assuming last name? he writes his own Music Equals Life blog
Which is pretty well done, and debateably interesting. While he does seem to have stalker tendencies towards a few of the American Idol girls, (and hey, who hasn't?) I think he's in the running for a better Blog than Brenda. And lets face it folks, not a hard contest, sorry Brenda.
It's not just his "school spirit" picture that convinced me, the mans not a half bad writer, and seems fun. Also seems to know when he has nothing to say, and he stops, I'm just saying, that puts him right up there.

Monday, March 9, 2009

ok so I'm a dog freak...

Well folks, I've been wandering around cyberspace again, and have found an interesting gem. There's a fine line between crazy, and being a functioning member of society it seems. Especially when it comes to pet ownership in the current day and age. The internet has become like crack to the crazy cat lady, or the slightly more social, and possibly more dangerous crazy dog lady. Nothing has made this more apparent than the beginnings of my serach through cyber space. Here is a perfect example to be discussed at a later date. However, with all the crazyness, I have found, I also found a site for sane animal lovers to find more information. Petopia is a combination of pet news, product reviews, and pet horoscopes(ok, so a little crazy, but really they're sort of interesting.) I think it's definately an interesting community that is worth a look if you enjoy pets.