Ever have that horrible realization? you're giving money to something, whether it be a charity, store, your own child or a homeless person with questionable intentions, and then you realize they are using it to support clubbing baby seals? or in the case of the homeless person, (and possibly your kid as well) they're using it to buy booze. You feel taken, hoodwinked, bamboozled if you will. Betrayed is probably a strong word, but I have my Mrs.-Potato-Angry-Eyes on at the moment.
I recently found my own bum with a towering pile of beer bottles. My technical college appointed a blogger to apparently represent the student body this year. It is now February, and she's only recently become a blip on my radar, so who knows how well that's going, but I'm not the target market here people. Anyway, dear Brenda has been babbling about campus goings on since July. No true offense to Brenda - I'm sure she's a perfectly wonderful graphic design student, I don't know, it's a pretty big campus - but her blog is horrible. She's representing our school as one that doesn't teach basic spelling, proof-reading, or writing techniques. Her blog, (see it here) lacks purpose, common sense in my opinion, or a clear point for that matter.
As long as I've known about Brenda I've wanted to know how she got her job, and what pool she was pulled out of as the most qualified applicant (or who she's related too.) Recently, through an article about local colleges using blogs to connect with perspective students in our local paper, I found out SHE IS PAID FOR THIS CRAP! While it is most likely not much, a few dollars a week, this is coming out of my bill! All sorts of questions are running through my mind about accountability, accurate representation, and freakin' getting what you pay for! She updates an average of about once a week, usually with spelling errors, often having very little to do with what is on campus. Talk about the cafeteria menu occasionally, campus events, visit student organizations, post work you're doing in class, make it mean something! If I was a student looking into this school, and saw that, I would have a certainly negative opinion of the skills being taught here. Even though Technical College is in the name, as far as I'm concerned the education offered here is second to none, and certainly comparable to any 4 year school. Stay tuned to see if our blog does as well. I have my doubts.
She has also talked about her oil changes. :0)
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think Brenda is sexy!
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of curious what gives her the credentials to write this blog. Did someone from Western actually say to themselves, "This person represents our school perfectly".....? I think this will become a hot topic on the blogs once the word gets out about this B.S. Also, I WANT ANSWERS!
ReplyDeleteHaha... Love the rant!
ReplyDeleteInstead of ranting about how horrible Brenda is at blogging, why don't you just do something about it? You obviously feel pretty strong about this so talk to however's in charge of the blogs and see if you can replace her. If you yourself do not want to do what she does, you don't really have room to complain about her blogs. So don't read them; problem solved.
ReplyDeleteIt's not so much that I would like to replace her. It's about the image of the school here. I think that our school, although a technical college, has a great image of preparing people for the world through proper technical and communicative skills. Personally, I think that her blog is tarnishing this image through a wide variety of bad grammar and misspelled words.
ReplyDeleteIn reference to Annoymous' third post, yes, I realize there is actually action I can take instead of yelling about it in the interwebs. This is an ongoing battle I guess for me. I don't want her job, but if it was either me or Brenda, I'd take it.
ReplyDeleteAs far as not reading it goes, I don't care that it's on the internet, I care that it's directly linked to my school's website, and she's in essence speaking for me and my peers. If she was just off in her own little corner she could be as ridiculous as she wanted.
I think this will be a very productive blog, we as a student body need answers. As anonymous 3 said, "don't read them; problem solved." I have to disagree with the largest passion since juicy fruit. I have no problem with ignoring Brenda's notorious blog, but I can't help to think she's representing me. I agree with Miss Alice... If Brenda were off in her own little corner she could be as ridiculous as she wanted, but she's not - she's representing me and I am not ashamed to say that I am better than spelling and grammatical errors... Maybe if she were promoting an elementary school it would be appropriate, but even then I would question her ability. If I had a 7 year old brother, I would be confident his writing skills would be more appropriate for a college blog, but that's just my opinion. Keep up the good work Miss Alice!
ReplyDeleteWht is wrong wit brenda's blogg? Seriously! I totally agree with you Miss Alice that this blog is a 'black mark' on our school. Just think...Brenda is going to be a graduate this May! The grammar and spelling errors are an embarrassment. What was Western's criteria for a blogger? Female? Check. Student? Check. Umm...that must have been about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm more than offended that someone would take a stance against Brenda being critisized for her blogging which without question shows lack of education and effort.(refering to the anonymous post above) The money I've paid to go to WTC over the years should not be shelled out for this disgrace to our school. And judging by one's choice to not put a name next to their comment, they have no room to speak, there problem solved. Instead of simply "bitching" I would like to offer a suggestion to improve the issue so I can satisfy the anonymous commenting bandit. I am going to ask Chileda to monitor your and Brendas web use more closely and make sure this sort of thing never happens again, no wonder people beat their children. Oh yeah, nice work Alice.
ReplyDeleteJenny Ready... good points!! I agree that Brenda is not a good representation of our school, but if you read some of the posts, maybe many of us could use some more english classes where we learn the basics of grammar and spelling. In our Recipe for a good blog assignment in Shelly's class, we were asked if someone would be proofreading our blogs. That would lead me to believe that this is definitely an important aspect to blogging, especially when it is for a business (Western Technical College, in this case). I think Brenda may offer some good advice to new students, however, I'd like to know who is/is not monitoring her blog and checking the content and asthetics of it?!?!