Monday, February 23, 2009

you did what?!

Is everyone still sitting comfortably in their current dimension? I have a possibly world changing update for you all. Brenda has actually posted useful information..... There's no telling how long this will last, it may just be a fluke, but prepare yourselves. Brenda has posted useful information......

I know, I'm as blown away as you all. But, as the year draws to a close, and many of us prepare to move from one worn out campus rental to another, she finds her self with a valid list of questions to ask ones land lord, and thoughts to bring up before moving.

Thoughts like…..

Can I have pets?

Did the last people have pets?

Air Conditioning?

What are the heating bills like?

What’s included with the rent?

What do my responsibilities entail when I sign this lease?



Do you have loud neighbors?

Is this a party area?

Are there break- ins in this area? (scary thought but it happpened to a friend of mine!)

How many roomates do I want?

How far away from campus is it ( if your planning on going to school)

Do you want outdoor space?

Is there an option for subletting?

What is everything going to cost total?

Can we afford that the whole lease?

Is there mainenance people on call all the time?

Do all of the appliances work all the time?

Does it have storage?

Do you have upstairs neighbors? ( Can you hear them walking around? Does that bug you? )

Would you feel safe walking around at night there?

Are the walls in the apartment paper thin?

How big is it?

And many many more!

While those of us who have moved before are sort of saying, "well yeah, that's how it works" this is the first thing I've seen on Brenda's blog that I feel like should actually be presented to perspective students. And, while I also believe a good Google would have done the trick here, she raises some points some people may not have thought of. So yay Brenda? I don't know, but maybe she isn't all bad...


  1. Am I surprised? Yes. Dissapointed she did not say something ridiculous that I could laugh about? Yes.

  2. I think Brenda is Hot!

  3. Adam is that you?

    Read the rest of the post Ben, she doesn't disapoint. That's just the excerp where she had useful information.

  4. I have a good feeling we know who Anonymous is... And I look forward to the next blog. By mainenance did she mean maintenance? Understandable that spell check did not catch that!

  5. Wow someone in our class needs to really apply for her job... I give her props for trying..


what do you think?